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Meet Stephanie Charvoz, Experience Ambassador

Stephanie Charvoz, Experience Ambassador

Often the first person you see when you walk through the Table Health doors or when you give us a call, Stephanie is passionate about making sure you feel seen, heard, and valued as a Table Health member and patient.  

Recently we caught up with Stephanie to learn more about her journey to Table Health, her background, and what brings her joy! 


Q. What is your role at Table Health?

A. As the Experience Ambassador at Table Health,  I am the liaison between the patients and the providers. I am the first person our patients see when they walk in! In addition I perform the administrative tasks behind the scenes, take care of the paperwork, oversee Table Market, and answer all phone calls and email inquiries.


Q. How do you assist Table Health members and patients?

A. I get patients set up with new accounts, answer their questions, schedule appointments and work hard to make the check-in process as easy for them as possible. I also work with our team of providers to contact patients and specialists to create a seamless process for our patients to get the care they need. I am the one answering the phone and answering any questions patients have, or relaying information to our providers, and I keep everyone’s billing and paperwork up to date, so they can have a quick and seamless check-in/check-out process. 


Q. What brings you joy in your position with Table Health?

A. I love welcoming our patients and members to the practice and making a connection with them, even if only for a few minutes before their appointment. 


Q. What health trends excite you the most?

A. I enjoy intermittent fasting throughout the week, allowing my body to recover and “clean-up house” without being burdened by digestion. 


Q. How do you spend your free time?

A. I love to spend time with my husband, playing board games, reading, and playing music/singing together. Our lazy day favorite is binge-watching Gordan Ramsey’s Master Chef or rewatching The Office!


Q. What book did you last read?

A. I am currently reading Eye of the World, book one of the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. I love reading fantasy (especially anything written by Brandon Sanderson), it is my daily break from reality, even just for half an hour at a time. 

Q. What do you love about the Grand Traverse region?

A. I love the bay, as well as the trees and nature all around. I grew up in Traverse City and didn’t realize how special it really is to have such beautiful, access to nature. After living in urban Mississippi and then Houston, Texas for a while, I realized how uncommonly gorgeous it is here. 

Q. Why did you choose to join the Table Health team?

A. A few years ago my husband began having chronic health problems, and we went to many different doctors and specialists searching for anyone who could help him feel better. In doing so, we experienced some helpful offices, but more often than not we encountered doctors who were only interested in pushing pills and staff who were unhelpful and did not care about us. It’s already stressful to have to go to a doctor, without the added stress of billing confusion, records release hassle, and rude receptionists. 

Coming from these experiences, I joined the Table Health team to be as organized, helpful, and kind to each patient as I can be, and create the caring atmosphere I wish we had received during my husband’s health journey.

Q. What’s something surprising about you?

A. A fun fact about me is that I grew up dancing with Ballet Etc. and the Northwest Michigan Ballet Theater (the same dance studio that has been renting space from Table Health!). After graduating high school, I danced professionally in ballet and modern companies for four years. Ballet is my passion, and although I’m not as involved in it as I used to be, I will continue to dance for the rest of my life, just for the joy of it!