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Meet Andrea Stoecker, DO

Get to know Dr. Stoecker a little better and read through our recent Q/A where she shares about her role at Table Health and some areas of her personal and professional life.

Q. What is your area of medical expertise?

A. I specialize in women’s health, hormones, GI issues, mental wellness, weight loss and Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT).

OMT, is a set of hands-on techniques used by osteopathic physicians (DOs) to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness or injury. Using OMT, a DO moves a patient’s muscles and joints using techniques that include stretching, gentle pressure and resistance. The treatment can be used to ease pain, promote healing and increase overall mobility. Although often used to treat muscle pain, the treatment can also help patients with a number of other health problems such as: asthma, sinus disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines, and Menstrual pain.

Q. What is your role at Table Health?

A. I am a direct primary care provider, and in addition, I perform functional medicine assessments, as well as osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT).

Q. What are some of the symptoms you commonly treat?

A. Anything from diabetes, hypertension, mole removal, IUD insertion, to hormone balancing, weight loss, depression, and back pain.

Q. What does a typical visit look like with you?

A. It varies based on what the person needs. It could be a quick visit for strep throat to a 1.5 hour long visit to get to the root cause of insomnia, weight gain, and fatigue. It could even be a relaxing hands on session to treat chronic headaches using osteopathic manipulation. It’s really about what would be most helpful to each person.

Q. How do you treat and care for your patients?

A. The first thing I do is listen to their story because that is the most important piece of the puzzle. This helps me figure out how I can help them on their path to wellness, while keeping in mind that some people need to take baby steps to get there. It’s a partnership and we’re both working toward the same goal.

Q. How do your patients respond to functional medicine?

A. Most are happy to feel heard for the first time and have a plan to help them toward their wellness goals.

Q. What makes your approach to health different?

A. I truly consider each person and what they need to heal, rather than just prescribe medications to mask symptoms.

Q. What health trends excite you the most?

A. I love learning about the body’s microbiome and how it contributes to our overall health, or illness. Whether it’s in the gut or on the skin, it has a significant impact on our wellbeing and it’s an area that we are learning so much about right now

Q. Who do you follow in the medical, health/wellness community? Why?

A. I read Kara Fitzgerald’s blog and listen to her podcasts when I have a long commute. She is current with the latest nutraceutical and microbiome research, as well as an Institute for Functional Medicine instructor.

Q. How do you spend your free time?

A. When I have it, I love to dance, play sand volleyball, garden, swim, bike, cook, eat, and travel. I know that is a lot of things!

Q. Who inspires you?

A. I’m not sure it’s a who, as much as a what. I am inspired when I am in nature, especially near the water or in a garden.

Q. What book did you last read?

A. Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood by Lisa Damour, PhD. I have a 13-year-old daughter and I’m doing my best to ensure we survive the next 5 years with a loving relationship.

Q. What do you love about the Traverse City area?

A. There are so many things! I love the focus on outdoor recreation and the environment, the involvement of the community in making this a great place to live. I love all of the amazing restaurants and of course, the water and the wine.

Q. Why did you choose this profession?

A. I actually started my career as a computer programmer, which was not fulfilling for me at all. I realized that I really wanted to help people and after much soul-searching, decided medicine was the best way for me to do that.

Dr. Stoecker is currently accepting new patients! If you are interested in a Primary Membership for your everyday health needs, and/or would like to make an appointment with Dr. Stoecker please click here or contact our Practice Manager, Stephanie at 231.333.1331.