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Doctor Recommended Support for Covid-19

Lifestyle Tips and Supplement Suggestions

As you are probably aware, at this time, COVID-19 is running rampant throughout the Grand Traverse County region. According to data released by local health officials on December 7, 2021, the last 30 days marked the worst month for the County since the start of the pandemic, with 1,964 new COVID-19 cases and 28 deaths reported.

As we continue to navigate this pandemic, Dr. Stoecker, Table Health Primary Care Physician, is checking in to see how you’re doing and also offer a few tangible lifestyle tips and supplements to help support you and your health at this time. If you have questions about COVID-19 prevention and mitigation including the vaccine, please reach out.

Take Care of Yourself

Stress Management
Try your best to mitigate stress levels in your life. Consider limiting your activities so you don’t overwhelm yourself. If that is not a possibility, try to carve out at least 10 minutes (or longer) to take a walk in the woods, meditate or pray, take slow and deep breaths, or practice gratitude. When you practice gratitude, it can help you feel more positive and connected to your emotions.

Make sure you get enough sleep. This is critical for your immune system and overall quality of life. During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, some of which help promote sleep. Certain cytokines need to increase when you have an infection or inflammation, or when you’re under stress. Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines. In addition, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when you don’t get enough sleep.

Eat a Nourishing Diet
Limit your sugar intake. Sugar can wreak havoc on your immune system so try to resist the urge to reach for sugary snacks that will affect your blood sugar and mood and instead incorporate a hearty amount of greens; fruits and vegetable into your daily life. If you have questions about how to incorporate more nourishing foods into your diet, you can reach out and set up a one on one with Carol Bell, Table Health Registered Dietitian.

Dr. Stoecker Suggested Supplements

Supplements can be a beneficial addition to your routine and support your healthy lifestyle but it is recommended that you speak with your provider first about your personal health history and dietary plan.

You also want to make sure you’re choosing high quality, safe, and effective supplements. With so very many options on the market this can be overwhelming to say the least. Once again, speak with your provider to determine the best supplements to support your personal health and wellbeing.

Dr. Stoecker suggests and regularly takes herself, fish oil, which can limit inflammation in your body. Zinc, is another favorite, especially as our community deals with a high level of covid transmission. Dr. Stoecker loves PhytoMulti® because it is a high quality, robust multi-vitamin with 15 mg of Zinc.  It also includes Vitamin A, which is very important for optimal immune system function.

Vitamin C is also recommended and taken by Dr. Stoecker regularly, which is suggested especially during times of stress as it reduces cortisol, your body’s main stress hormone, levels.

If You Contract COVID-19

For Table Health members that may contract Covid-19, are high risk (over 65); you have hypertension, diabetes, or are overweight, please reach out to Dr. Stoecker as soon as possible so she can refer to you to the infusion center for monoclonal antibodies, which has been helpful to prevent death.

Table Health Vital Check

Curcumin and NAC are very important to take during a Covid infection to prevent inflammation and NAC can assist with preventing micro clots associated with Covid. 


Maintain Good Health

If you are healthy and want to take proactive measures to maintain your health and prevent Covid or any other virus, Dr. Stoecker recommends having Viricid on hand. This is a potent, high quality supplement combining Vitamin A, C, B12, Ashwagandha, Elderberry, Echinacea, and Lysine – all very helpful to prevent but also reduce the impact of viral infections.

Many of the supplements mentioned are available in the Table Market, please call 231-333-1331 to verify. All are available to order online through our online partner, Fullscript. You can create an account, search for your item, order online, and get your supplements delivered to your door. 

You can view the COVID-19: Nutraceutical and Botanical Recommendations by the Institute for Function Medicine here.

If you have questions about becoming a Table Health member, primary care, functional medicine assessments, or one-on-one consults, please reach out today.